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new zealand
new zealand
new zealand

New Zealand is a country with two major islands set in the South West Pacific Ocean. There is a range of varying landscapes in New Zealand and its beauty attracts millions of tourists annually.

New Zealand is famous for its rugby team, rugged landscapes, Indigenous Māori culture and flightless bird. It’s a unique mix of things that makes this country so popular.

In terms of landscapes, New Zealand may just be one of the most beautiful places in the world. You can enjoy the ice-capped Southern Alps and then head down to the coast to catch some beautiful crisp waves all in a days work.

Capital City: Wellington
Population: 5.1 Million
Language: English & Māori
Currency: New Zealand Dollar
Religion: Christian

new zealand
new zealand

Hello: Hello / Kia Ora
Goodbye: Goodbye / Haere Rā
Thank You: Thank You / Kia Ora
Yes / No: Yes / No – Chur / Nah

The Best time of year to visit

Typically, the best time of year to visit New Zealand is anytime from December to March. This is the time of year when the weather is dryest and at a comfortable temperature. Also, this is when the days are the longest with daylight savings.

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Coming Soon in 2023!
