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Why You Should Travel Solo in Your Twenties: 15 Reasons

By 1 March, 2023Travel Blogging

Why is it important to travel solo in your twenties you might ask? Well, let it be known that there is a very long list of incredible reasons as to why you should consider such a venture.

Now, let it be known that I’m not here to glamorise solo travel. There are many hard times you will have to go through and many distasteful situations that you’ll be put in. However, this post is highlighting the reasons why travelling solo in your twenties is an excellent idea.

Let’s dive into fifteen of the best reasons to travel solo, I’m sure at least a few of these reasons will convince you to do so.

15 Reasons to Travel Solo in Your Twenties

1. It Might Be Your Only Chance

Firstly, we’re starting off pretty abruptly, but I’m giving you the reality of the situation. Unfortunately, your twenties might be your only chance to travel solo, or to travel in general.

Many people land themselves full-time jobs and tend to settle down to start families. Obviously, not everyone chooses this route in life, but it happens to many people.

If you have the opportunity to quit your part-time job or put your studies off for some time while you explore the world, it may do you good! Sometimes, it’s best to take the leap of faith!

2. The Sense of Achievement Is Incredible

I can’t express enough how incredible it feels to achieve travel through unknown places when you do it all by yourself. Travel can be insanely stressful, but the outcome can be so worth the effort. And, to do it all yourself is a major sense of achievement.

I also think this is a great way to discover just how capable you truly are. You never really know how much you can handle until you’re put in the circumstances.

travel solo in your twenties

3. There Are Loads of Safe Countries to Travel

For the most part, I’m aiming this point at solo female travellers. I know it can come off a little daunting for females to consider solo travel in their twenties. However, there are loads of safe places to explore!

And, many people are willing to help a solo female. There is so much kindness and generosity to experience and it’s a truly beautiful thing!

However, it always pays to be aware. Don’t fall into any traps and be sure to put your street-smart goggles on!

Finally, if you would like an idea of some safe countries to travel to, feel free to check out the list from this website.

4. You Will Learn a Lot About Yourself

Let’s face it, you aren’t going to ‘find’ yourself from one solo venture. However, you will learn a heck of a lot about yourself in the process. Let’s call it, character building.

From problem-solving to communication skills, you have to learn a lot in a small amount of time, even if it’s just to get yourself from point A to point B.

Nonetheless, this is all part of the fun! You will discover parts of yourself that you didn’t know existed. It’s pretty cool and a beautiful experience!

5. You’ll Never Know If You Never Go

There is never truly going to be a ‘perfect’ time to set out on a solo adventure in your twenties. So, just book the flight!

You can’t wait around for others, so do it for yourself! I know there can be a lot of ‘what ifs’ that come into the equation. But, are you really going to put off the chance for the most insane experience simply because of that?

Booking a flight takes you one step closer to the experience of a lifetime. Just do it!

6. You Will Make Loads of Friends

Hear me out on this one. You are going to make loads of friends, especially if you put yourself out there! And, not only that, but you will discover new friends for life! It’s pretty bloody special.

I cannot express the sheer multitude of beautiful friends I have gained from solo travel. I met some absolutely wonderful people, and the majority of them are other solo travellers in their twenties.

Besides, one of the cons of travelling with someone is that you don’t meet as many people. Couples or friends tend to stick together, book private rooms and do adventures together because they already have each other!

Therefore, being by yourself means you need to meet someone to experience an adventure with another person.

Read more: How to Make Friends While Traveling: Tips for Traveling solo

travel solo in your twenties

7. You’ll Never Regret Money Spent on Experiences

Money spent on experiences is money well spent. Forget the new handbag, the latest iPhone or a new wardrobe. Spend that money on travel experiences and you’ll be thanking me later!

Besides, no matter how much money you end up spending, you’ll be thankful for the experience in which it created.

8. You Will Become Much More Responsible and Independent

Discovering your independence and level of responsibility comes pretty quickly when travelling solo. Considering, literally everything is up to you and you have no one to rely on.

From getting to train stations on time to taking care of all of your belongings, you are quite literally responsible for everything! You soon learn to take plenty of care of your gear and become hyper-aware of travel time and how long it takes to get places.

This is a pretty cool experience as you gain skills and learn to do things more efficiently. Not to mention, you learn how to prioritise your time and put effort into the things that matter the most!

9. What Comfort Zone?

You’ll quickly discover that your comfort zone bubble is about to burst. You will constantly be put in uncomfortable situations, surrounded by people speaking another language and be the only person in a hostel that doesn’t know anyone else.

Nonetheless, this is all part of the experience and you will soon discover to take it all in your stride. This becomes a major part of growth and it can take a little while to get a handle on things, but once you do, god it feels good!

10. You Can Do Whatever You Want, Whenever You Want

Ah, one of the best parts about solo travel in your twenties is to do whatever you want, whenever you want. And, this is easily my favourite thing about travelling solo!

Don’t feel like doing some hiking? Prefer to get up for sunrise instead of partying all night? Want to read a book on the beach for the day? Well, you can do it all! There is no one who can tell you otherwise, and this is the best thing about going solo.

travel solo in your twenties

11. You’ll Discover So Many New Things

You’re about to set out on the journey of a lifetime, and of course, you’re going to discover so many new things! Not just about yourself, but about the world!

From hiking in the jungle to the stunning temples of Asia. There is so much to see in this incredible world and you have the opportunity to discover it all!

It’s pretty incredible to have the chance to experience this kind of thing, and I think that everyone needs to do a solo trip in their twenties at least once to gain an understanding of what it feels like!

12. It Can Be Done on a Budget

Travel can be done dirt cheap! And, there are loads of places that you can travel to on a strict budget. So, there is absolutely no reason why you can’t get overseas and start exploring a new country.

Obviously, the best way to travel cheaply is to choose cheaper countries to travel. I recommend checking out my blog post below for some of the cheapest backpacking locations!

I travelled for 6 months around South East Asia solo, and spend $14,000 AUD. Moreover, this included vaccinations, flights, accommodation, food, activities, entertainment etc. I’m more than happy to have spent that on the experience I received.

Read more: 10 Cheapest Backpacking Destinations: Tips for Travelling Broke

13. You’ll See a Different Side of Life

I think an important aspect of solo travel in your twenties is seeing another side of life. Moreover, this is your opportunity to see others doing it tough and gain a true appreciation for the life that you get to live.

There is so much more to life than what we get to experience in Westernised countries. Some people lack the bare minimum of access to clean and safe drinking water. And, this is just their everyday life.

You will also come across a lot of poverty and homelessness. This in turn makes you gain an insane sense of appreciation for a simple plate of food.

Solo travel is humbling, and an incredible way to learn more about your privilege.

14. You Will Need to Be Prepared to Be Faced with Challenges

Solo travel is all about facing challenges and problem-solving. From finding bus stops to plane terminals in a foreign language, get ready to figure it all out!

Not to mention, you will need to travel on a strict time schedule and get to and from places in an efficient matter of time. However, this is all part of the heart-racing fun that comes as part of the solo travel experience.

One of the most common challenges you will be faced with is navigating your way around new places. You’ll have to gain a sense of direction pretty quickly and will need to learn your way around.

15. Learn to Love Your Own Company

Last but not least, solo travel in your twenties will result in learning to love your own company. You will need to get comfortable with finding your own way to places, staying in hostels, navigating your way around cities and doing adventures by yourself.

In the beginning, I just wanted to be around people, but shortly, I discovered that I actually loved my own company! I felt no need to be around others all the time, and thoroughly enjoyed going on my own solo adventures around town to do some exploring.

This is just another aspect of discovering how independent you truly are, and it becomes pretty special to enjoy the company of yourself.

My Personal Solo Travel Experience

I set out on my first-ever solo international trip in May of 2022. I didn’t go with any real plan but had an idea of travelling South East Asia.

Moreover, I spent 6 months backpacking through Vietnam, Thailand, Laos and Indonesia. And, it was easily the most incredible experience of my life.

I quickly discovered independence, responsibility and problem-solving skills that I never knew I had. Besides, I had to learn a lot of things pretty quick smart to get myself out of sticky situations that raised.

In the beginning, I was really nervous! I’d never seen anything as foreign as Asia, I’d never flown on a plane by myself and I’d never been out of Australia for more than a couple of weeks. So, this journey was a pretty big step towards independence.

Solo travel has done me so much good and I know that I’ll continue to grow from future experiences. I couldn’t recommend it enough!

Things to Consider

Last but not least, there are a few things that you need to consider before jetting to the other side of the world. Firstly, one of the biggest factors you need to consider is money.

Moreover, travelling to cheap countries is a great way to start as it gives you an idea of how to live cheaply and how to get around without breaking the bank.

Secondly, you’ll need to figure out a plan for your job. Do you leave it? Can you come back to the job? Will you need to find a new job? These are all things to consider and even chat with your employer about.

Finally, relationships are another thing to consider. Moreover, do you have a partner, or family that needs to be considered? Sometimes, these people may not support your decision, but it may be worth taking this leap of a solo adventure to do something for yourself!

All in all, solo travel in your twenties can come with many hiccups. Nonetheless, when there’s a will, there’s a way!

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, I think it’s a fantastic idea to travel solo in your twenties. Besides, there is so much that you can gain from the experience that makes it entirely worth the venture.

Furthermore, these are just a handful of the things I discovered from 6 months of solo travel. You’ll discover plenty more factors along the way and I’m sure you’ll have a ball of a time!

Finally, be sure to keep these points in mind when considering a solo trip. You’ll be surprised at how much this adventure will impact your life.

Additionally, if you’d like to read more from my travel blogging section, I try to keep it updated with plenty of fresh content. Feel free to check it out and discover more travel guides and destinations on the blog! Happy reading!

Read more:
Travel Blogging for Beginners: 5 Tips to Making Money Online
Solo Female Travel in Thailand: Tips for Travelling Thailand

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