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Solo Travel Photography Tips: Get the Best Photos While Travelling Solo

By 25 January, 2022Travel Blogging

So you’ve finally made it to the place you’ve always wanted to go, and when you look around and realise there is no one to take a photo of you, a wave of disappointment flows over you.

The view is perfect, and you don’t want to miss this photo opportunity. Fear not! There are plenty of ways to take a flawless self-portrait while travelling solo.

Moreover, discover the best solo travel photography tips to get the perfect shot every time! Similarly, it increases your independence and makes photography and travel heaps more fun.

Besides, solo travel photography is a great way to document your adventures and share them with people all over the world. And, learning to take a great solo travel photo is a pretty neat skill to have!

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5 Solo Travel Photography Tips

  1. Set your camera up and film yourself, that way you can choose which frame you like the most and select that as your final image
  2. Experiment with different angles, use different sources of light and make use of the environment around you
  3. Make use of the self-timer setting or purchase a shutter remote so you can take images without the need to run back and forwards constantly
  4. Don’t be afraid to ask a stranger for a photo, but beware, it’s likely that it won’t turn out with the quality that you may expect. Therefore, be prepared to be disappointed! Nonetheless, it’s still a great way to get a photo especially if you can’t be bothered setting up heaps of gear or if the area is experiencing heaps of foot traffic.
  5. Experiment with different poses and angles in the mirror before your trip. It’s crucial to get comfortable with modelling before you head out so that you have some poses under your belt! There’s nothing worse than taking an awkward photo and looking back at the cringey images.

Equipment for Solo Travel Photography

I think it’s fair to say that we are so lucky to have a wide array of equipment readily available to use. Not to mention, just a few pieces of the right gear in your collection will ensure you achieve a flawless photo every time.

Besides, many of these items are also great for use in other kinds of photography. So, you might just find a new passion or interest!

  1. Drone

A drone will give you a breathtaking perspective, and they’re a tonne of fun to fly around. Users can try hovering above for a full-frame effect or even an image from behind.

Not to mention, this is a great way to get video footage of yourself, perhaps for a YouTube channel? Take the chance to make awesome videos and great content!

Besides, you might as well take the opportunity of owning a drone to fly around and try out new and unique shots. I truly believe that owning a drone is one of my favourite solo travel photography tips!

Personally, I’ve used a DJI Mavic Mini for a little over a year now, and it has been an absolute beast! It’s lightweight, easy to fly and very robust. Even after a swim in a river, it came out completely unscathed!

  1. Canon or DSLR Camera

I recommend Canon cameras since I’ve had the most experience with them. Besides, they’re one of the better-known camera brands on the market, alongside Nikon, Fujifilm, Sony etc.

I think the Canons are great because you can connect your phone with them to use as a remote; This is especially helpful to get a set ready and to record or take a photo.

Besides, this saves running around to pose before the shutter goes off. Also, you can view what the photo will look like with the live view; A truly fantastic feature!

Canons are the perfect solo travel photography device, and I absolutely recommend them to anyone!

A bundle like this one from Amazon is a great way to quickly build your kit with the use of a reputable product and is perfect for beginners.

  1. Tripod

Tripods come in all shapes and sizes and are an absolute must for solo travel photography. Besides, they’re a practical tool for many kinds of photography; It’s great to have one at your disposal for any setting!

Consider getting a standard tripod with extending legs so that you can achieve perfect height in your photos. There are plenty on the market made with lightweight material making them a notable tool for travel.

Otherwise, you could invest in a mini tripod simply as a means of propping your camera on a safe surface. Either way, tripods will ensure you achieve a still and more level photograph.

I’ve used this one from Amazon for quite some time now, and it’s been the perfect addition to my photography collection. It offers multiple features including a 360 degree panorama ball head and adjustable legs.

What to Wear in Your Photos

Depending on your fashion sense, location and message you want to achieve, your clothing choices can vary widely.

However, I would recommend anything flowy, such as long skirts, dresses, bell sleeve tops for a beautiful drape. Dresses and skirts blow in the wind beautifully and look fantastic when held in a certain manner.

Additionally, hats are excellent as they give the subject something to hold or place their hand; This avoids looking awkward in the image.

Nonetheless, wear items you’re comfortable in as your confidence will shine through!

Wrapping Up

Solo travel photography is a great way to experience the outside world and is a fun way to document your journey.

Besides, not everyone can have someone by their side to take photos the entire trip. Therefore, in this type of situation, independence and preparation are key!

Be sure to build your photography kit progressively, and fill it with only necessary items. A great camera (or mobile phone) and tripod are the best starting ground.

Nonetheless, practice makes perfect. It’s unlikely that your first photoshoot will go to plan, but this makes for a fantastic opportunity to learn and improve. Your photos will be picture perfect and Instagram worthy in no time!

What are some of your favourite solo travel photography tips? Are they any tips you would like to give others?