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100 Instagram Nature Captions: The Best Nature Quotes

By 13 January, 2023Travel Blogging

Are you in need of some inspiration for new Instagram nature captions? Well, look no further than this blog post, as I go into detail with 100 of the best nature quotes perfect for Instagram!

Moreover, I’ve included some images with the quotes overlaying to spark creativity and give you an idea of how these quotes can be used.

Be sure to save some of the images for later use and try to make use of as many of these nature quotes as possible! Your Instagram will never of looked so good!

100 Instagram Nature Captions

  1. “Leave the road, take the trails”
instagram nature captions
  1. “Be patient with yourself. Nothing in nature blooms all year”
  2. “Sky above, earth below, peace within”
  3. “The earth has music for those who listen”
  4. “Always take the scenic route”

Always taking the scenic route is an excellent nature Instagram caption to use as you can use it for a collection of photos (carousel) to show all the journeys you’ve been on. Not to mention, this Ig caption can be used on any sort of image, but just make sure you have a pretty view in the background.

  1. “Nature is my medicine”
  2. “Nature is the greatest place to heal and recharge”
  3. “I’ve never met a sunset I didn’t like”
  4. “Find me where the wild things are”
  5. “Escape and breathe the air of new places”
  6. “Green vibes only”
  7. “Lost is a lovely place to find yourself”
instagram nature captions
  1. “Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace”
  2. “Meet me where the sky touches the sea”
  3. “Slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures of life”
  4. “Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience”

This is one of my favourite nature quotes as it makes the reader reconsider our need for a fast-paced lifestyle. Moreover, I think this is an excellent quote to use for an Instagram caption to encourage a slower lifestyle.

Read more: 35 Camping Quotes: Inspiring and Funny Camp Quotes

  1. “Wonder. Wander. Repeat.”
  2. “There is no wifi in the forest, but you will find better connections”
  3. “The world is magical, take time to notice”
  4. “And at the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy, and your eyes sparkling”
  5. “The kind of tired that comes from a lot of fresh air and a little too much sun”
  6. “Sometimes, all you need is a change of scenery”
  7. “Let us live like flowers, wild and beautiful and drenched in sun”
  8. “Grateful for where I’m at, excited for where I’m going”
  9. “Escape the ordinary”
insta nature quote
  1. “There’s no time to be bored in a world as beautiful as this”
  2. “Up in the clouds, on my way to unknown places”
  3. “Wanderlust, a strong desire to travel”
  4. “So much world, so little time”
  5. “Wild lives in her soul”
  6. “Currently living dreams”

Currently living dreams is a great nature caption for Instagram as the idea is broad and can be used with a wide range of images. Besides, I think this would look fantastic paired with an image of the view out of a plane window… or you could be perched up on a stunning beach. Either way, the message will be evoked and pair together flawlessly!

  1. “The smell of the sea air”
  2. “As free as the ocean”
  3. “Everything is fine when there is sunshine”
  4. “Every exit is an entry somewhere else”
  5. “Watch more sunsets than Netflix”
  6. “Anywhere. Somewhere. Far away”
  7. “Soul full of sunshine”
  8. “I think I’m quite ready for another adventure”
instagram nature captions
  1. “We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open”
  2. “Girls just wanna have sun”
  3. “Sometimes in the waves of change, we find our true direction”
  4. “Travel is not a reward for working, it’s education for living”
  5. “Wander often. Wonder always.”
  6. “Salty but sweet”
  7. “Paradise found”
  8. “My soul steers me into natures silence”
  9. “Explore the unseen”
  10. “Making memories all over the world”
  11. “No reason to stay is a good reason to go”
instagram nature captions
  1. “Of all the books in the world, the best stories are found between the pages of a passport”
  2. “Lifes a climb but the view is great”

I highly recommend using this nature quote for a time you reach a fantastic viewpoint. So, if you’ve done some mountain hiking or trail walking, this is the perfect quote to include with some stunning views!

  1. “Cleansing your feed with nature”
  2. “The right kind of busy”
  3. “Let the sea set you free”
  4. “The times I spend in nature are some of the moments I feel most alive”
  5. “Say yes to new adventures”
  6. “High tides, good vibes”
instagram nature captions
  1. “Wherever I roam, nature is the only stranger that feels like home”
  2. “Sun of a beach”
  3. “One touch of nature makes the whole world kin”
  4. “Dance with the waves, move with the sea, let the rhythm of the water, set your soul free”
  5. “Take me to the beach”
  6. “Real fun begins where paved roads end”
  7. “Nature is the purest portal to inner peace”

This is a really beautiful quote as it sparks the idea that nature is truly a peaceful place. I think this Instagram nature caption would look excellent paired with a photo taken in the woods or a forest!

instagram nature captions
  1. “I am convinced that there can be luxury in simplicity”
  2. “Nature is not a place to visit, it is home”
  3. “I have a therapist. Her name is mother nature.”
  4. “Let the sea set you free”
  5. “Sun, sand, the sea and me”
  6. “All good things are wild and free”
  7. “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished”
  8. “I am at home among the trees”
  9. “Just keep swimming”
  10. “Everything comes in waves”
  11. “Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path”
  12. “Life is simple, just add water”
  13. “Take a walk in the forest and smell the wild air”
  14. “For the love of nature”
  15. “Sky above me, earth below me, fire within me”
  16. “Salt in the air, sand in my hair”
insta nature quote
  1. “Coffee, bikini and beach”
  2. “Create your own sunshine”
  3. “The tans will fade, but the memories will last forever”
  4. “Dear ocean, thank you for making us feel tiny, humble, inspired, and salty… all at once”

This is one of my favourite Instagram nature captions as it reminds the reader that the ocean is a truly wonderful place. And, you could post any kind of photo of the ocean with this quote! I think it would look great to have a person as the subject standing in front of the water and a wide view of the ocean in the background!

  1. “Time is like the ocean, you can only hold a little in your hands”
  2. “Nature is the best teacher”
  3. “Hike more, worry less”
  4. “Flow with it”
  5. “The world is ours to explore”
  6. “Go where you feel most alive”
  7. “Eat. Beach. Sleep. Repeat.”
insta nature quote
  1. “Stay wild, ocean child”
  2. “A day at the beach restores the soul”
  3. “And so the adventure begins”
instagram nature captions
  1. “Nature is your greatest teacher”
  2. “Nature is the closest place to heaven on earth”
  3. “These are the days we live for”
instagram nature captions
  1. “Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt”
  2. “One day you will look back and see that all along you were blooming”

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, there are loads of fantastic Instagram nature captions that you can make use of to really up your Insta-game. And, I highly recommend saving a few of these for later so that you can use them on future posts!

Not to mention, heaps of these quotes are unique, and haven’t been used often, making for the perfect opportunity to use on Instagram! Be sure to check out my Pinterest page here to pin these Instagram nature quotes for later!

Finally, I like to use this website to find new quotes. Besides, there is a heap of great quotes that spark plenty of creativity and can be used in many different ways. Happy reading!

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